Monday, September 24, 2012



Keep track of your daily to-do list using the Google Apps Task gadget. Tasks are a great way to keep organized and make sure you get those important items accomplished during the day. They're also a great way to remember what you need to take on your camping trip or get from the store!


You can access Tasks from Gmail: Just click the Mail logo and choose Tasks from the drop-down menu.

Adding tasks and creating more lists

  1. Create individual tasks simply by clicking in the Tasks window and typing your to-do item. 
  2. Clicking Tab indents the task making it a 'sub-task' of the task above it.
  3. Create new lists using the button in the lower right corner of the task window.
  4. Open Tasks in a separate window by clicking the arrow button at the top of the Task gadget.
  5. Click Pop-in to embed Tasks back in the gadget.

    Displaying due dates in your Calendar

    You can also display Tasks in your Calendar. Just click Tasks in your My calendars list. Any task with a due date is then listed on that day.

    Creating a task from a mail message

    You can also create tasks directly from an email message. While viewing the message, open the More menu and choose Add to Tasks. You can accomplish the same thing by clicking Shift+T while viewing a message or by selecting it in your Inbox and clicking Shift+T.

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